Usefull Python Scripts

Remove lines from File containing: bad_words

import sys
bad_words = [‘one bad word’,’ another bad word’]
scriptname = sys.argv[0]
for _old in sys.argv:
if _old == scriptname:
_new = _old + ‘_filter_x.log’
print(“processing ‘” + _old + “‘\n\noutput: ” + _new + “\n\n\n\n”)
with open(_old) as oldfile, open(_new, ‘w’) as newfile:
for line in oldfile:
if any(bad_word in line for bad_word in bad_words):

Combine draged Files

import sys
scriptname = sys.argv[0]
output_file = ‘kombination_x.log’
with open(output_file, ‘w’) as outfile:
for _old in sys.argv:
if _old == scriptname:
print(“processing ‘” + _old + “‘\n\noutput: ” + output_file + “\n\n\n\n”)
with open(_old) as infile:
for line in infile:

Combine lines containing the good_words in a new file

import sys
good_words = [‘good word’,’other good word’]
scriptname = sys.argv[0]
for _old in sys.argv:
if _old == scriptname:
_new = _old + ‘_filter_x.log’
print(“processing ‘” + _old + “‘\n\noutput: ” + _new + “\n\n\n\n”)
with open(_old) as oldfile, open(_new, ‘w’) as newfile:
for line in oldfile:
if any(good_word in line for good_word in good_words):


Create a Webserver in the Current Directory

python -m http.server

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