

When there are products in the market, which doesn’t satisfy your need or when there isn’t any then tell us and we can come up with a solution. A custom designed product for your need, which nobody else is havinge yet.

We create your custom PCB design with Altium
Auto (un)lock through wifi and NFC.

(New: control your doors by smartwatch)

 File:Arduino avr atmega8-2.jpgµC Programming for your Projects.

(New: update via NFC and BUS infrastructure)

 Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.pngDevelopment of GUI / Network Interfaces with Hardware IO.
(NFC Support to store and restore parameter’s for easier exchange through smartphones)
Inside the LAB
Here we create a terminal – using mobile computer displays to handle it with a Raspberry Pi and connect a coin selector and NFC card reader.
Here we implement a control unit for a step motor with planetary gear inside c/c++ for an Arduino Uno.
Radio frequency research.

We test different frequency spectrum of microwaves for bandwidth and there stability against external influences.

Here we test the rfid protocol and different tag types and readers.