When there are products in the market, which doesn’t satisfy your need or when there isn’t any then tell us and we can come up with a solution. A custom designed product for your need, which nobody else is havinge yet.
Portfolio | |
We create your custom PCB design with Altium | |
Auto (un)lock through wifi and NFC.
(New: control your doors by smartwatch) | |
µC Programming for your Projects.
(New: update via NFC and BUS infrastructure) | |
Development of GUI / Network Interfaces with Hardware IO. | |
(NFC Support to store and restore parameter’s for easier exchange through smartphones) |
Inside the LAB | |
Here we create a terminal – using mobile computer displays to handle it with a Raspberry Pi and connect a coin selector and NFC card reader. | |
Here we implement a control unit for a step motor with planetary gear inside c/c++ for an Arduino Uno. | |
Radio frequency research.
We test different frequency spectrum of microwaves for bandwidth and there stability against external influences. | |
Here we test the rfid protocol and different tag types and readers. |