Solved GTA5 error 7002.1

GTA5 Error 7002.1 and why it happend.

The Protected Folder Access is supposed to block crypto Trojans that want to encrypt the hard drive and limit the damage here.

Since the Social Club accesses its own files at: %userprofile%\OneDrive\Dokumente\Rockstar Games\Launcher\, access is blocked here.

To some extent To prevent errors such as the capture at the Social Club or error code 7002.1, you should switch off the virus scanner for GTA5 when starting or, alternatively, deactivate the protected folder access.

To do this, click The Windows Start Button, enter „prot“ and the monitored folder access should appear, click now from on to off and confirm the Windows security question with a click on Yes. After playing it is recommended to switch the monitored folder access back to on so that files can be restored in the event of a virus attack.

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